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Valorant Charity tournament

CAS project

Investigation: As I have an interest in E-sport and I see an opputunity on hosting an e-sport tournament which are lack of the organizer to host one so I have decided to host a tournament.

Preparation: Before start posting the information about the tournament we did a lots of market research and observing how people are hosting the tournament and see how they do a management. We come up to the dicision where we decided the price and the maximum team registered as well as when should the tournament should be hosted.

Action: We start promoting our tournament on our social media plat form such as facebook and instragram, and inside the community group on facebook where we gain most of our registered team. All the money that we get from the registered fee will be transfered to my friends who also work as an admin in the game facebook community group. Later on the game day we need organized the match and create a chanel where both two teams can be communicated later after the match ends we put together the results are start arranging the match for the next day.

Reflection: I am really happy with the results that came out, and think that we have done everything that we can to make the best out of the result but We should improve in management, nad organization as well as be more active on the other platforms.

Demonstration: I have learned about how to handle the situation during the high pressure situatiuon as well as learned about how to take the responsibility as a leader and how to connects people to gather in order to intregrate the work.

This relates to these CAS learning outcomes:

- Demonstrate how to initiate and plan

a CAS experience

- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

- Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

- Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively


CAS project: Welcome
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