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These are my creativities

PRE-IB CAS: Webinars


My activities

math competition

During grade 9, I participate in the wells international school math competition even though I lose the competition but I still get a lots of good experience and lots of knowledges from the competition, I feel proud of myself that I'm brave to take a challenge. In this event I challenge myself by doing "Commitment and perseverance" because I was preparing so hard before the competition and also "Identify strengths and areas of growth" since i want to major in math related major so It's good To challenge myself in a math competition.


Playing airsoft with friends

In the December, 7th of 2019 I wnet to play the sport called "air soft" in this sport you will require a BB gun with the helmet and the armor to play, This sport will stimulate that you are in the war and you need to fight with the enemy by shooting them whoever get shot they need to walk out, In this event I "achieve Initiating and Planning" since in this game they require a lots of strategy to play.

PRE-IB CAS: Webinars


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Helping the cow from the Cow slaughterhouse

During grade 9 summer I went to Chiang Mai for the vacation with my family and I get a chance to go to the place where they buy the cow from the cow slaughter house and give a freedom to them or make them free and I get a chance to donate my own money to them and feed the cow I feel good to help those animals. In this event i achieved “ Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significances” 


Doing the Thai ROTC

From the 31th of October to the 12th of December every Saturday we need to go to the ROTC center to practice the solider skill and learning about the Thai military culture plus service the country, I feel proud because as a Thai citizen i get a chance to service my country and society by doing the ROTC. In the activity I achieve the "Global Significance" since I get to be in the Thai military and "Commitment and perseverance" because the training was super long and takes lots of energy and the training also make us be a stringer person.

PRE-IB CAS: Webinars
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