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Here are my Creativity

Creating an infographics

         With my passion in graphic design, I have made a bunch of infographics including the infographics that I made for the school clubs, and the infographics to promote my e-sport charity tournament. I use Photoshop and Canva to design my work. In order to make an infographic, first I need to identify what type of design matches with the contents. Second, I make the design organized, make sure that the pictures I use match with the content. I also have my own graphic design gallery page on Instagram to show my work to the public as I have a passion for graphic design in order to satisfy my goal to not only use communication towards oral skills but also master in many ways of communication. Graphic design is a really good way to deliver to the massage to the recipient.

         Graphic designing extends my creativity and allows me to express my creativity in the work without knowing how to draw. It allows me to convey the massages through the pictures which make the massage more accessible and appealing

         This expereince can relates to these CAS leaning outcome 

-  Identify own strengths and develop areas of growth

-  Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 


Commarts camp

          On the 11th of October I have joined the " Commarts camp" which is the camp that's basically demonstrate us about what's it like to be in the Commarts program in Chulalongkorn university. During the camp I get to do a lots of projects such as rebranding the given prduct or create our own business model with the marketting ideas. 

         This expereince can realte to Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively as there's a lots of group project that requires team coordination, and Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth as this camp given me an idea about the college program that I'm interested. 



Loy kratong day MC


Loy Kratong Day MC

          In my senior year, I decided to challenge myself by taking a chance to be an MC in my school Loy Kratong Day event. Having 3 weeks for preparation, my friend and I were a duo for MC. We wrote our own scripts and needed to make sure that we run every event flow and continuously. We spent time practicing and rehearsing. Despite my anxiety, I manage to control the situation and could proceed with our MC smoothly. Overall, I am really satisfied with the results that came out.

         This event improved my oral communication and public speaking skills as well as an ability to control the situation. I also learned how to solve the unexpected problems by  improvising the method to solve the problems. I developed more confidence as a public speaker as I got out of my comfort zone.    

          This project relates to Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the proces as I have to improvise sometimes in order to control the situation as well as Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively since I needs to coordinate with my co-mc. This experience also allows me to Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth as I have a passion in public speaking.

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