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Grade 12 CAS

Creativity, Activity, Services





During Grade 11 and the beginning of grade 12. I spends lots of time playing bowling as I really enjoy this sport. Everytime I play bowling and I see that my score are improved It makes me feel pround of myself.
This could relates to Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process as I have improving a lot in bowling as I play them a lot.

Varsity football team

As I have played football since when i was in grade 4, but after since covid I didn't really get a chance to play football. As I heard that there will be a tryout for the football team I have been really interested in joining the team
As I joined the team, I really enjoyed playing football, It gives me a nostalgic feelings everytime I enter the field. 
This activity relates to Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences, and Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively as football is a team sport

Varsity badminton team

Badminton is also one of my favorite sport since a young age. I really enjoy playing badminton, and once I heard that there will be a school badmintin team, I am looking foward for it.
In the tournament, I get a chance to play mixed double with TingTing, though we were not perform really well but It was a really good expereince that I get
This activity relates to Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences, and Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively as I play double where it needs a good coordination between me and my duo.

ACTIVITY: Services
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